ALL Artist

  • Chen Yang
  • Resume
  • Article

1995 Born in Dehua, Fujian Province

2018 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelors degree

2022 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a masters degree

Currently works and lives in Guangzhou




Central Academy of Fine Arts 2022 graduation exhibition, online

The 9TH "TOMORROW SCULPTURE AWARD" shortlisted and winning works exhibition, won the "Annual Award", Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Chongqing, China


The 3rd Beijing Youth Art Biennial, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

2019 Exhibition of Excellent Creations of CAFA Sculpture in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

“The hustle has arrived- Young Artists Recommended Exhibition, Shunde, China


On the Road · 2019 - Nomination Exhibition of Works for Chinese Young Artists, Guanshanyue Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China

"Go back · Come" - 2019 China Youyang Rural Art Season, Chongqing, China                              

Five People Exhibition of "Youth Art Prospect", Harvey Galleries, Sydney, Australia


Encounter Asia Multi-vision of Youth Art, Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China

2018 "Steel Summer" International Metal Sculpture Creation Camp, Taiyuan, China

Art Nova 100,Guardian art Center, Beijing, China

Graduation works exhibition of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Won “Qianlixing Nomination Award”, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

2017 Exhibition of Excellent Creations of CAFA Sculpture in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

The boundary of things, Taoxichuan Art Museum of The Central Academy of Fine Arts, Jingdezhen, China


2017 Academic Original Creative --- Intramural Work Exhibition in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

2017 Academic Original Creative --- Originality by the Academics Creative Art, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Taming and perfection deduce "porcelain"--The Autumn Ceramic Creation Exhibition of sculpture department, Central Academy of fine arts, Peoples Network Ceramic Art Museum, Jingdezhen, China


2016 "Steel Summer" International Metal Sculpture Creation Camp, Taiyuan, China

Art Intervention -- Art Tour and Interest, INDIGO, Beijing, China


WE@CAFA Exhibition of Works Created by Students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Studying in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Dayuntang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2014 Exhibition of Excellent Creations of CAFA Sculpture in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China


Chen Yang's graduation work "The Shop of the Wall" created a new artistic language, combining the network economic activities with the personal living environment and individual emotional expression, so that the art exists in the concept, but also appears as a physical object; Both from the individual, and spread to the public; It has greatly expanded the expression space and existence space of art. This creative language provides a new mode of communication and interaction between artists, works and audiences, and completely breaks through the restrictions of galleries and galleries. It is an excellent model of the so-called "online exhibition".

Of course, even without the special background of "online exhibition", "Shop of the Wall" is an excellent work close to The Times, cleverly integrating art into our daily life. Perhaps "The Shop of the Wall" has limited "business", but infinite artistic vitality!

- Cao Hui

 The artist refuses to adhere to the "unified" language logic, and refuses to focus on the set direction and topic. In the relaxed and humorous flow of strange ideas, he reminds us again not to forget the most charming part of art: fun and imagination!

- Jiao Xingtao

The "wall shop" uses the elements of network economy to reproduce the state of my current life. Both physical goods and virtual concepts are available for sale. It wasn't a proper shop in the strict sense, but my unconscious desire to explore new forms. I often feel unable to define the boundary between art and life, so this work removes the inherent form of presentation of sculpture. This shop is an embodiment of my artistic concept -- the potential and uncertainty of creation.

"Online shop" does not have the complex form of art and obscure wordplay. In my opinion, art is not seeking a definite result, but producing new creation in the process of exploration. The more improvisational part of a work (a commodity), usually consisting of a number of disparate things linked to the plot to create a new structure. These things surround me and constitute a reality that reflects my existence in the world "today" as an "art school student." In my opinion, the public and social nature of the Internet, as well as the connection with the truth and falsehood of each of us, is the best carrier for me to express this part of the content. Through the "shop", the emotions, consciousness and life of the individual belong to "me", to maximize the dissemination of the interweave between individuals and society.

"Online shop" began to make me realize that art does not exist only through criticism and criticism of reality. Simple narration is often the more real part of life, and those symbolic symbols, images and artificially defined concepts that make up our own life are transformed into another way to present to the audience.

- Chen Yang (written by the author)
