ALL Artist

  • Wang Xiaolei
  • Resume
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Wang Xiaolei

1991 Born in Hebei Province

2014 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Art with a bachelor's degree

Currently works and lives in Hangzhou




2015 Art Nova 100, Beijing

Find the Trace of Aura New Concretization Studio of CAA’s Art Exhibition,Saili Art Gallery,Hangzhou

Here Comes The Spring - 10cm³ Group Exhibition, Sangshang Modern Museum,Hangzhou


Famous Right Away - 2014 CAA Graduation Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art of CAA, Hangzhou

Build Beauty Together - 13th Zhejiang Fine Art Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou

September & Humanity Zhejiang Oil Painting Exhibition,Ningbo Museum of Art,Ningbo

Excavate & Discovery - The Fourth Chinese Oil Painting New Artists Exhibition, China Canvas Create

Research Association Museum, Beijing


Century Star - the Eighth CAA Oil Painting Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art of CAA, Hangzhou                         

 Views of Southern - Zhejiang Oil Painting Exhibition,Ningbo Museum of Art,Ningbo



Wang Xiaolei: I always depict in my paintings stories related to the West Lake. Using the West Lake as the vehicle, I try to highlight the local culture as well as catch the ways in this particular culture has influenced local artistic traits, in order to express the special state of someone or something secluded under the hills that surround this lake. This is the premise from which I draw my energy and upon which I base all of my work.
