Art Producer and Art Director.
President and CEO, YY Arts K.K.
Since first encountering Contemporary Art back in early 90s in Europe, she has attended every Venice Biennale, Documenta, Skulpture.Projekte to date as art journalist, while enhancing her reputation by being appointed as an official judge at Ars Electronica (2004), Japan representative member of recommendation committee in Memorial Prints Project of Shanghai World Expo (2010), or invited as a lecturer to China Culture Licensing Fair in Shanghai (2015), also to Arts and Machine Learning Summit Paris (2016) held by Google.
Always standing side by side with each individual artist she supports and advocates young talents of Japanese art scene who otherwise struggle in lack of organized nurturing system, thus is also known as a "Cheerleader of Contemporary Art”. Meantime, she wrote seven books all on contemporary art published in Japan, teaches at two local universities and has established YY ARTS her own company, YY Arts, to scale up the activities to make a dent in the universe.